I had an conversation one night with Madhuri that reminded me of something I experienced during one of my subconscious visits to the soul dimension. Humans like to think that they are specifically special. They suffer from delusions of grandeur. This can be seen specifically in their "Divine Mythology." Human god(s) are frequently said to... Continue Reading →


There are things in this life, in this reality, that few choose to understand. I am going to do my best to describe these events in chronological order, but some of these accounts will be told as I remember them, as they jump back into my memory. -MJP- 4/07/2022 Grandy died on April 9th 2013.... Continue Reading →

What is Sin???

This is a very eye opening contrast on idea of sin. It is from the intro of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. "The concept of sin, for instance, is inevitably associated with original sin, guilt, and punishment, which have no place in most Eastern teachings. Instead, Buddhism looks for the basic cause of sin... Continue Reading →

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